Difficult Times – Quinn Funerals, Colac

May 28, 2020

For the last two months, we have experienced something that no one could have ever imagined. Something that will change the way we live and work for a long time, if not, forever. I’m very proud of the way we, as a community, have dealt with the changes we’ve faced across our everyday lives. I’m proud of all the families who have had to sacrifice the funeral that they had imagined. A selfless sacrifice made for the wellbeing of others.

A lot has changed in our daily lives, even the way we mourn is changing. I’m nervous, excited and worried about what this means for our community and industry down the track. I’m nervous because, like most people, any unknown change makes me nervous. I’m excited because I’m an optimist. I know we will come out the other side of the pandemic a stronger and more united community. We will use the tools we learned during the crisis to improve the way we live and work.

However, I’m also worried. I’m worried about the mental health challenges people will face in the months and years to come. In the news, there is a lot of talk about the economy with figures and graphs. While I agree, those things are significant, so are we. So with this short piece, I wanted to reflect on that for a moment. I want you to take a moment to think about your own health, in particular your mental health. I don’t think it’s strange to feel a little uneasy with everything that is going on in the world. Although our “normal” lives seem to be slowly returning, my worries still remain. So please, look after one another and be kind, but most importantly, look after yourself.

If you or someone you know needs help, head to the link below.

Head to Health is an Australian Government website that provides links to Australian online and phone supports, resources and treatment options.